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Second scope for visual?

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After about a year I've finally got the small wide field AP rig set up based around a WO GT71.  I gathered along the way that there was no such thing as the 'do it all set up' so I decided that in order to enjoy both AP and Visual I'd likely be looking at 2 scopes...I also found that I didn't want to be constantly reconfiguring the GT71 from AP to Visual and back.

In the past, before my hiatus, I'd had both a 120mm refractor on a GEM and an 8" LX200 SCT.  I hated the refractor, mainly because of the mount which I found a pain for visual (plus, as it was at the start of the low cost Chinese imports race, it had more CA and astigmatism than I was happy with); I liked the SCT but didn't like lugging it about.  In order to have some flexibility I opted for the AZEQ5 mount so that I could have it as EQ for AP and set to AZ for visual so I'm now looking at a visual scope that would be happy on this set up.  So far I've been looking at ED doublets in the 100mm range and 6" Mak/SCTs.  I'm looking at keeping the budget at <£650 as I want to spend more time on AP otherwise I'll never get to the level of even demoralising incompetence.  Does anyone have any advice so I can avoid a costly mistake?

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The dob would be Nice, true, or if you wanted a 100mm doublet the Astro Ascent 102 f7 with a diagonal and finder would come in Under budget - very good review in Sky at Night magazine. I’ve been very pleased with mine. 

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I'd have to give a +1 for @paul mc c's advice. I fell in love with visual first then for into AP. 

When I started imaging I really missed it, so having a dob enabled me to do both. I also find that imaging often involves solving lots of technical problems, a manual dob and the beauty of the night sky is just what I need after setting up an imaging run. 

A new dob would be a great thing, but there are also loads of terrific second hand bargains floating about as well, especially for the 200p model, plus the Bresser models seem to be really well thought of these days. 

You'll probably want a few quid on top of the scope purchase for EPs, some finder enhancement (RDF, RACI- I use both) and something to sit on.

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Thanks for the suggestions, the Astro Accent is now on the list, just wondering how that would compare with something like a Celestron C6? 

I’d love a dob but I think swimbo would kill me if I took up the conservatory with one, plus my star hopping is pretty dire after years of goto.

Edited by Martthebass
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