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Quick question about using a ZWO CCD camera with my Canon lenses.


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Basically...does it work well? Or at least well enough until I can afford to buy a small telescope to use with the CCD. Unfortunately, no work for 3 months has meant my budget is very tight, but I would like to dip my toe into CCD imaging. Assuming I buy the correct adapter etc..would this setup work until I can upgrade? Or would you not recommend it, and if not, why not?


I was originally thinking of a mono ZWO camera, but maybe a colour one would be better so I don't have to mess around with colour wheels.


Thanks for reading

Further info. I was thinking of this adapter


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Which lenses do you have?
EF STM lenses require a power supply to enable the focuser to work so will not work.

EFS lenses with ultrasonic focusers can be adjusted manually so will work.

ZWO make an adapter for EOS to enable the Canon lenses to be attached to their cameras - have a look on their website for details.

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5 hours ago, MKHACHFE said:

Basically...does it work well? Or at least well enough until I can afford to buy a small telescope to use with the CCD.

Yes it works, or certainly can be made to work.

At it's simplest I use this arrangement:


Absolutely no frills here. It's a ZWO ASI120MM-M and a ZWO EoS adapter in this case on the end of a Samyang 85mm. The nose piece is on the CCD with (in this case) a 7nm Ha filter fitted on the nose piece. I manually set the focus position on the lens and then carefully move the nose piece in/out to get a rough focus and then fine focus with the lens focus ring. Very manual. I can see no reason at all why you couldn't use a colour camera with a similar setup.

I've used exactly the same arrangement with my 70-300mm and 200mm Canon lenses. It's rough and ready but it works. I've also attached my ASI1600MM-Pro in exactly the same way.

I also use a Samyang 135mm on my ASI1600MM as my main wide field imaging setup complete with ZWO EAF and ZWO EFW all mounted on an iOptron CEM25-EC.




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