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Setup help

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Hey all,

Having a bit of a struggle attaching a DSLR onto a scope. 

I want to attach my Canon 550d onto a 76EQ Celestron telescope. 

I've bought a Canon EOS T ring and a Universal T adaptor 1.25 inch (picture attached) 

However I cannot attach the above setup to a Celestron Omni eye piece - what else do I need to buy? 😕 

If I attach without an eye piece - images are too blurry despite focusing 

Thanks ! 



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Is your telescope a Newtonian reflector? If so, it is common for them not to reach focus with a DSLR. This is because the sensor is located deep inside the camera body and you run out of inwards focus travel. You could try using a Barlow lens if you have one to push the focal point further out. 

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It's the Celestron Astromaster 76EQ

Ok I need to attach a Barlow to the system? 



Would I be able to replace the T adaptor I've bought with the one above and place my eyepiece into this extension T adaptor? 

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Imaging could prove tricky with this scope if it's only got manual tracking, maybe possible to get images of the Moon.

Only bright things will be captured without blurring unless your very good at manually tracking things which would require spending more money on a suitable finder scope with illuminated reticle, something that old time astro' imagers used to do and which took a lot of practice.

Did it come with a Barlow lens ? if so fit that and the camera with adapter ( no eyepiece ) in to it and try aiming at the Moon to see if you can get focus.


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22 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Imaging could prove tricky with this scope if it's only got manual tracking, maybe possible to get images of the Moon.

Only bright things will be captured without blurring unless your very good at manually tracking things which would require spending more money on a suitable finder scope with illuminated reticle, something that old time astro' imagers used to do and which took a lot of practice.

Did it come with a Barlow lens ? if so fit that and the camera with adapter ( no eyepiece ) in to it and try aiming at the Moon to see if you can get focus.



I have the scope on a Star adventurer mount, so hopefully will be able to do some AP with it. 

Ok so with the barlow + T adaptor I should get good focus on the stars? 

thanks :) 

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2 minutes ago, Kenboy said:


I have the scope on a Star adventurer mount, so hopefully will be able to do some AP with it. 

Ok so with the barlow + T adaptor I should get good focus on the stars? 

thanks :) 

Give it a try and see, good Moon to practice on ATM


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Are you sure you can reach focus? Try moving the focuser through it's full range of travel while watching the image from the camera and see if the image gets progressively sharper and then blurry again. If it doesn't start to defocus, then you still haven't got enough focus travel.

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I would have thought a 3x Barlow would push the focal point far enough out for you to reach focus. If you are close to reaching focus, I guess you could try to push the primary mirror forwards (up the tube) slightly by loosening the collimation adjustment screws but you'd have to be careful they don't disengage from the mirror cell.

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12 minutes ago, Kyle Allen said:

Yes, the one you linked to earlier allows you to use an eyepiece so you will be able to reach focus. 

I have that T adaptor, but I'm not able to attach it to my 15mm Celestron Omni eye piece and then onto the scope

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