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AZ GTI mount being a p”ll””k, again.


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Hello all. AZ GTI mount in use again last nite. Been a couple of months. 
Alignment issues. Tried both 1 star align and North level align which has worked as planned before. 
Using Arcturus as start point - mount swings down to look at the lawn. 
The app seems to look like it’s updated ?  but I may well be wrong. 
Thinking of re naming it the AZ - GIT mount. 
Thorts from any owners.  May well buy a handset and forget the WiFi / phone / tablet option. FPS 


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25 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Was the eyepiece pointing in the general direction of Arcturus ? I did this once only to realise I had the scope on the wrong way round.


Not really. Was wondering if there is a northern / Southern Hemisphere option. 
Thinking now it may have been on the “wrong side” as I’ve rotated the scope in its clamshell when using on my other mount. 
thanks   John 

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