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The beginning of a mosaic - Veil Nebula


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OK... so it's only going to be a 2 panel mosaic so not all that dramatic but it will be the first time I attempt it.

I specifically chose the veil nebula as I am still short a SII filter and I know that the veil in bi-colour HaOO looks great. I'm now 2 nights into this project however due to my inexperience with SGP I missed off the 2nd panel in Ha, so I'll have to redo that tonight.

So after lots of googling and youtubing i have now combined my OIII panel. ( I will list the resources I have used once complete as I'll have a better idea of which work best)


I'm still fighting elongated stars in the bottom right hand corner of each frame, which I'm sure is tilt somewhere but I cant find it for the life of me. Everything is tight as far as I can tell.

Whilst I wait for tonight's data so I can complete at least the narrowband portion ( I plan to get some RGB for the star colour). I decided to  do a quick process  of the data I did have in HAOO and I'm actually pretty happy with the results.


Hopefully I should have the a rough final mosaic tomorrow as long as it all goes well tonight.

Thanks for looking all and as always constructive criticism is very welcome!


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27 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

So far so good. Keep going it'll be a great image.

Thanks, Actually looking at it again i've way overprocessed the bicolour image.... prefer the original I think.EasternVeil3.thumb.jpg.5532827d2b44ffcbf927a1815a6b53dc.jpg


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Weird things happening when I'm aligning and combining my mosaic frames, I can see the top OIII frame has focus issues to will try and retake them tonight. But even after a star alignment some stars do not line up in the top frame. If anyone can point me in the right direction i'd be grateful.


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just to add a bit more troubleshooting info I have done an alignment and combination on just the top frame and they align perfectly albeit the focus making the stars look like blue doughnuts with a red hole :)

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All stacked in pixinsight, because  processed the HA frames a day later I forgot which frame I used as ref so I used the stacked OIII as a ref which I think should give the same result.

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