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Moon appreciation effort 2


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Here's the shots from last night. I think thet're a bit sharper than the ones I posted on the 3rd due to a slower framerate and a bit more careful focusing. The new motor focuser is working a treat. They are all about 400 frames stacked out of 1800. I record for 90 seconds at 10 FPS with two avi's of each. They are stacked in registax and orientated the right way in Gimp.

The first is Archimedes. I am very happy that some of the craterlets are visible on the floor of the crater in this one.


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next is Clavius, though it's a bit dark this is by far the most detail I've managed to capture on Clavius.


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This interesting crater is called Gauricus. I found the sides with the little craters in them quite interesting.


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Plato, a very popular subject for imaging and I'm entirely happy with this one as it's too dark and not as sharp I would like. I'm not stopping with this until I get the craterlets.


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Rupes Recta - also known as the straight wall. This really stood out last night and quite a nice feature to have imaged.


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Thanks for looking


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An excellent set of moon images Sam. You managed to get some fine detail on Clavius as the crater was pretty dark last night.

I was also out last night in NZ with the borrowed orange tube C8 - the moon was of course the right way up down here!



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Thanks MD, I've decided to reorientate my images so they look like they are supposed to in this part of the world, normally I just leave them as that looks normal to me :hello2:

It's funny how we can both be observing the same object but from different sides of the world!


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I'll have to re-orientate myself with the Northern sky when I get back to the UK.

I was out last night trying to image with the web cam on the old C8. Since the C8's got a dodgy motor and even dodgier slow motions I have to fight to try and keep the image on the screen. It drifts to an alarming degree and I'm lucky if I can get 30 secs of AVI before the crater etc disappears off the screen. It's all good fun though!



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