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Incredible Run of Great Weather 🌞

Solar B

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Our incredible run is coming to an end up here in Scotland 

I can't recall the likes before , perhaps since 2006 ! my solar scopes have 

been out almost everyday since the beginning of lockdown and i have really enjoyed seeing what 

I consider to be a good amount of limb activity ☀ over these past couple of months.

Now of course summer is just really starting so I look forward to some more great weather 

and hope that you are still blessed with some.



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The weather down here in Poole looks to be breaking too.

Like you, my solar scope has been out pretty much every day since lockdown began, and to boot I've been out pretty much every night as well.

The spreadsheet that I keep a tally of observing sessions in is looking impressive.

Fingers crossed the cloud won't persist for too long.  We certainly cant complain too much about the weather for the last 2 months.


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It has been an unforgettable spring for solar - doubly so because I don’t normally get back from work until 7:30pm, by which time the Sun is long gone. Two months of lockdown and clear skies - probably have to look forward to retirement before anything similar happens again. So much to see too - many substantial proms, culminating in those fantastic M-class flares a couple of weeks ago. Very nice filament on show this week too, along with the gradual increase in ARs. 

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