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NGC 2419


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Sometimes called The Intergalactic Wanderer this Globular Cluster is around 300,000 lightyears away. Due to it being quite different than the usual Globs I've been wanting to observe this one for ages (more to observe it than image). As I had everything setup for imaging I decided I would have a go at imaging it as well. This one is 12 X 180secs subs at ISO800, Canon 400D guided this time with Guidemaster (which is brilliant because it does drift alignment as well!). SPC900NC guide cam and ST80 as the guidescope. The main imaging scope is an Orion XT8 8" Newt:

First the widefield (a bit noisey but I like the way it puts the glob in context):


(click to enlarge)

and next a cropped one to show the glob a bit closer:


(click to enlarge)

This needs quite a few more sibs so I'll be adding more data to this. It was quite a surprise to see how it turned out though because it's quite small.


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Thanks for the comments! :) This really was an afterthought for an image but I have been quite interested in this particular object for a while so I'm glad I can add a image of it to my list!


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