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Best ISO for Canon EOS1000D is... 200?


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Came across this a while back: https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials/starting-with-a-good-dataset/recommended-iso-for-dslr-cameras

It says the best ISO value for a Canon EOS1000D (which I have), to maximise the signal/noise ratio, is 200.

I think it might be based on this: http://dslr-astrophotography.com/iso-values-canon-cameras/ - which adds that 800 should be tried out too.

I haven't actually tested ISO200 yet myself, but I am sceptical! 

Has anyone tried this? Maybe it works in some instances, perhaps for clusters or the Moon or some planets, but  can't see it being sufficient for much else, not even at longer exposure times.

I could be wrong though. It has been known. I'm wrong, aren't I? Go on, tell me I'm wrong.

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Iso values  given are correct it’s all to do with dynamic range and noise that higher iso add ,cameras vary due to sensors etc , , I use a Nikon D5300 which is iso invariant and shoot at 200 iso previously used the 1000D at 800 I never used it at 200 but it was a noisy camera so may have benefitted from a lower iso . 

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Interesting. I've been using 1600 but then again I am an idiot.

I might give 800 a blast. I might even try 200 with longer exposure times (I very recently acquired an NEQ6 which might help with that) and see what happens.

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It was common for all Canon cameras to operate best at 800-1600 ISO but that has changed now, some designs have a much more linear response and so are fine at a lower ISO and there are no benefits with going higher.


Edited by Alien 13
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