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Meteorite - ouch!


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A friend sent me a link to this article about a woman injured by a meteorite. Curiously, I've never heard the story before and, being only one at the time, I have no direct recollection of it! I've encountered articles about a car hit by a meteorite dozens of times, which only goes to show what our priorities are!! 😁



Edited by ollypenrice
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I was driving along a country road one day with literally no-one close in a car or on foot when out of no where and from an angle acute to the sky a small rusty coloured object Impacted my windscreen, causing damage and nearly giving me heart failure.  It bounced off and I'd have never found it, but to this day I've wondered if I was hit by a meteorite.  It was either that or a stone dropped by a bird.

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29 minutes ago, JOC said:

I was driving along a country road one day with literally no-one close in a car or on foot when out of no where and from an angle acute to the sky a small rusty coloured object Impacted my windscreen, causing damage and nearly giving me heart failure.  It bounced off and I'd have never found it, but to this day I've wondered if I was hit by a meteorite.  It was either that or a stone dropped by a bird.

Either way is interesting.


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My dad was driving home with the window open he felt a glancing  blow to his head. When he got home there was a recovering pidgeon on the back seat.

Regards Andrew 

Edited by andrew s
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There are pictures on the internet of the injury the poor woman sustained.

There are also reports of a meteor hitting a Chinese city in 1490 and killing thousands, probably an air-burst. Historians generally believe the accounts to be reliable but cast doubt on the actual death toll.

"Stones fell like rain in the Ch’ing-yang district. The larger ones were 4 to 5 catties (about 1.5 kg), and the smaller ones were 2 to 3 catties (about 1 kg). Numerous stones rained in Ch'ing-yang. Their sizes were all different. The larger ones were like goose's eggs and the smaller ones were like water-chestnuts. More than 10,000 people were struck dead. All of the people in the city fled to other places."

4 minutes ago, andrew s said:

My dad was driving home with the window open he felt a glancing  blow to his head. When he got home there was a recovering pidgeon on the back seat.

Interesting anecdote but I'm not completely convinced that pigeons are of extraterrestrial origin.

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Five years ago whilst observing the annual Perseid meteor shower I was seeing the usual trails coming from the radiant point when one was just a bright flash with no observable trail.  Almost simultaneously there was a click coming from the roof of my house behind me.  I'm fairly convinced that it was a grain of sand sized meteorite that made it down to hit the roof.  Considering the substantial tonnage of matter that falls from space to the earth every day it doesn't surprise me that it probably was a micro meteorite.  I just wish it would have been possible to have found it as that would have been a trophy to be proud of.



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