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NexStar 4SE on AZ-GTI mount

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I took up stargazing in France where we have a second home and most of my stuff is located.  As we were in UK when lock-down started it's just as well I had a couple of small 'scopes here.  I use an 80mm refractor on a Skywatcher AZ-GTI mount for deep sky and, until recently, the NexStar 4SE for planetary and lunar on its own mount.  However, having got used to the sheer ease of operating the AZ-GTI from my smartphone I thought it would be useful to be able to mount the 4SE on the AZ-GTI mount and avoid all the fiddle-faddle setting up the Celestron mount.  Only problem is, on the AZ-GTI mount the fixed dovetail on the 4SE means you are either pointing the wrong way or mounting it upside down, which is a fat lot of use either way.  I contacted FLO to see if they had any ideas but Celestron seem to regard the 4SE as a toy now and don't sell through "proper" astro outlets, only Amazon and some photographic suppliers.  Friendly response but no suggestions.

So, it looked as if tube rings would do the trick but then you have to remove the fixed dovetail bar.  If that is secured by internal nuts then the tube has to be dismantled to retrieve the nuts.  Maybe not the best idea.  I had a rummage and found I had a spare dovetail bar of a suitable length.  I secured that, temporarily, directly opposite the existing dovetail with Gorilla tape.  A speedy, socially-distanced, trip to ToolStation got me a pack of heavy duty cable ties to make the fixing more secure.  Two hours later, two pairs of pliers and job done.   Once the tube was mounted it seemed as rigid as if conventionally attached, even carrying the weight of a Baader 24mm to 8mm zoom.

First time out I was apprehensive but I needn't have worried.  Tracking was fine and I had a pretty magical and prolonged view of the three-day old crescent moon from the back garden.  So, if need be I can revert to the Celestron mount but if I want to drive a few miles to a darker site I need take only one mount and tripod now to use both tubes for lunar, planetary or dark sky.  Pictures attached in case anyone else fancies following suit, or, better still has a better idea!



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5 hours ago, knobby said:

Looks good ! Did you not try the left hand / EQ firmware ? Although your idea is probably safer ( no chance of bricking mount )

Yes I did but I thought I would need a supplementary equatorial mount for that.  Skywatcher are also keen to absolve themselves of any responsibility for problems arising.  Frankly, I've just had another stunning session of moongazing, absolutely rock steady even with 7mm EP

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3 hours ago, Ags said:

There is no diagonal - the back of the scope is one solid unrotatable flip-mirror unit.

Thanks, Ags.  After I posted I remembered taking it apart once before to fit a slightly longer dovetail bar.  In my 80s I think the memory is going through the shredder.  So I could have used tube rings, I guess.  As it is I'm very happy with the Heath-Robinson fix.

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