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New Camera Suggestion

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Hi All,

I'm sending my QSI 683 for a repair estimate as it died a few days ago and i'm expecting the worst. So i'm starting to look at replacement camera options.

I dont want to replace the camera with another Kodak chip as  they are just too noisy by todays standards - so looking at camera with a similar size chip - the ASI 1600MM Pro seems like a good options, but i believe this camera is now end of life / discontinued, So i dont want to invest in a camera that is end of life

So my questions are as follows :-

1)  Has anyone heard of any news of the camera that will replace the ASi 1600MM pro ?

2) I see that ZWO has released a new colour camera the 2600MC  Pro -  So i wondered if it is possible to use this for Narrowband imaging if i used a Filterwheel or has anyone had any luck imaging Ha, SII, OIII regions using this camera with a multi-band pass filter of sorts ? - 

Or are there any other camera suggestion anyone can make -  I spoke to IanKing about this and he recommended the SX Trius 694, but the chip looks about 1/3rd  smaller than the Kaf8300 - so not so keen on this especially since my primary imaging scope will be 1m F/L




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I think you are going to have to make some form of sacrifice here.  There is no suggested replacement for the ASI1600MM that I've seen anyone mentioned (plus also you should consider the artefacts you can get around bright stars due to the specifics of this sensor).

As for narrowband imaging, it is of course possible but you lose some sensitivity and in addition you will still get some contamination in pixels. For example the green pixels will still detect about 10% of the incoming halpha signal so there will still be some cross talk - hence even with a multiband filter the green won't exactly correlate to OIII.  The red will also capture the SII regions so you are going to lose some control.

The only option that really covers all your options the ASI6200 (or equivalent) but assume this is out of the price range as it wasn't mentioned.  Otherwise you will have to look at going smaller, colour or an older design and continue managing the noise. 

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Is there any specific time of the year when new camera are launched ?  or do manufacturers just release at different intervals ?

I might just have to go with the ASI1600mm Pro - maybe see if i can pick one up second hand as an interim measure if there is nothing else around.  It's just a shame that Sony didn't release a mono version of the IMX571 found in the ASI2600, as it's a large chip at a good price point on the ZWO.

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58 minutes ago, Northernlight said:

Is there any specific time of the year when new camera are launched ?  or do manufacturers just release at different intervals ?

I might just have to go with the ASI1600mm Pro - maybe see if i can pick one up second hand as an interim measure if there is nothing else around.  It's just a shame that Sony didn't release a mono version of the IMX571 found in the ASI2600, as it's a large chip at a good price point on the ZWO.

There are a few options but all are smaller than your current chip. The ASI1600mm pro is about the only option you have.

The next biggest sensor below the ASI1600mm pro is in something like the Moravian C2-12000a and its only slightly bigger than what you would get in a ATIK 460.


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17 hours ago, Northernlight said:

Is there any specific time of the year when new camera are launched ?  or do manufacturers just release at different intervals ?

I might just have to go with the ASI1600mm Pro - maybe see if i can pick one up second hand as an interim measure if there is nothing else around.  It's just a shame that Sony didn't release a mono version of the IMX571 found in the ASI2600, as it's a large chip at a good price point on the ZWO.

Unfortunately I don't think the Astronomy community works to the Xmas schedule in the same way! :) 

Realistically they will be tied to what the CMOS and CCD manufacturers are working to, so it depends on what they are bring to the market.  The Astronomy market is so small compared to camera market they won't be making any decisions based on the astro market.  

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Hi Whirlwind  - i wasn't sure if there were specific Astro events like Euopean Astro show / NEAF etc, where new camera might be unveiled.  I think Sony is releasing a bunch of new sensors in june / july - so not sure if we'll see any new camera this year.

I've got a few months until Astro Dark returns - so no hurry to make  a decision just yet.

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I am in a similar place.  I am looking at the QHY163m to use with my FSQ85.  Researching this now.  I feel that the days are numbered for the CCD's and I don't want to pour any more money into this.

Have a look at Lucas' pages at astrojolo.com



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