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Does this object have a name?

Adam J

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So I was scanning about signus looking for things almost doing EEA - perish the thought, but with more the intent of seeing if I could "discover something" without just slewing to something I had seen before, when I found this area, looked interesting so I started to capture some data on it.

Not one I am familiar with though, anyone know if this structure has a name?

Lots of work to do this is only 12 x 240 in ha so far. Will add many many more hours in Ha and OIII and SII so please no one spoil me and tell me that there is not OIII in this object or whatever, want to findout for myself.


It was nice to go through the process of finding something without looking it up first and just slewing to it and then imaging it.

I happend to pass through the propeller nebula before this and was just like, na I know that that is not interested.

If it does not have a common name I shall name it lol!


Edited by Adam J
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7 hours ago, symmetal said:

It's the 'Gamma Cygnus Nebula' or IC1318.  😀 Looking very nice so far.


I thought that was the name for the entire area including things like the propeller and the cresent etc. Guess I see this as a sub feature of that complex.

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