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Pi Scorpii

Tom OD

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This is a beautiful region at the head of the Scorpion, but it only reaches 19.5 max from my observatory. I began collecting data at +15degrees, and then I only managed 2hrs per night.

At that low a latitude the data was noisy and tricky to balance. Add to that, I lost 2 nights when the entire was clear except this narrow region in the South, so I needed lots of nights to get enough data for this.

I might get some more Lum and then try Ha on this, but here is 12hrs RGB with just 2hrs Lum gently added in.

I pushed this really far, as the area is so colourful. The hardest bit of this image is the sheer amount of tiny stars being so close to the Milky Way Center. I went to town on them, but it might not be too noticeful in

this smaller size version.

Thanks Tom.

Pi Scorpii web.jpg

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1 minute ago, ollypenrice said:

Wow that's good going from this latitude. Tree skimming! Lovely filmy-looking dust and gas. Nice.


Cheers Olly.

Yes its a total tree skimmer. It barely makes it on to the weather web cam :)

You need a lot of data, and each frame needs to be scruntinised for hazy / misty clouds and reflections. Mind you there are a lot of blue halos on the bright stars.

The difference an object like this being 10 degrees higher in the sky is huge. Its out of the murk, and you'll get nearly twice the imaging time on it. Less noisy data too.


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19 hours ago, toxic said:

beautiful capture and processing Tom :thumbright:

Appreciate that Chris, thanks.

19 hours ago, Kinch said:

"At that low a latitude the data was noisy and tricky to balance"....WOW that was low......and you have done a fantastic job with it.  👍

Cheers Brendan

4 hours ago, gorann said:

I agree - amazing result from your latitude Tom! What equipment did you use?

Thanks Goran, this is the Tak FSQ106ED, (but it has edge issues that I need to fix) and the old Atik 11 meg CCD, on a Mesu 200

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