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Binoviewers Any good


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Just seen some Binoviewers and I am tempted to buy them They are revelation branded, So advice if they are worth the purchase, And are they a good make or would it be better saving my money and getting a better brand.

And of course is it any better using binoviewers then normal single eps.

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My first look at the Moon with binoviewers was gobsmacking, its like you're in close orbit!!! I think the cheaper model (like I have) are better on brighter objects like moon, planets and the showpiece DSOs rather than the fainter stuff.

I think the cheaper sets and a couple of sets of cheap plossls are well worth the money, esp. if the Moon is interest of yours.

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My first look at the Moon with binoviewers was gobsmacking, its like you're in close orbit!!! I think the cheaper model (like I have) are better on brighter objects like moon, planets and the showpiece DSOs rather than the fainter stuff.

I think the cheaper sets and a couple of sets of cheap plossls are well worth the money, esp. if the Moon is interest of yours.

Totally gobsmacked, Got them yesterday and tried them wow the moon looked so close I dare not breathe in too sharp in case I inhaled moon dust lol

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  • 2 years later...

this is probably a silly question but being new to all this I'd seen them but not taken much notice, mainly because I'd have to have 2 of each ep.

Question: being at the age when the old eye's are now needing reading glasses and get tired easily would this help me more? I do find using the bins easier to look at the moon etc, and seeing them this way under a higher magnification appeals!!

The wife's not gonna like it though :)

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