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Another data set: Narrow Band


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I thought it fitting to provide a narrow band data set for those who are interested.   This is a wider field image than the Iris I posted.  The data was collected with the FSQ 106 with .6x reducer and ASI 1600 with 3nm Astrodon filters.  All subs 300 sec, fully calibrated and I believe aligned (if not, you may have to register to a stack of your choice).  The number of subs are listed in the stack names.  I just reprocessed this data set myself, image attached.  I have had a lot of fun with this data over the last year or so--never being fully satisfied with the results...until now.  Not perfect, but the pebble in my shoe has been removed.  Hard to get all the sand particles, but I can live with them!  Do with it what you will.......seed the digital realm with your creativity.  I chose the Hubble Palette.  But the sky's the limit






Hubble Palette: about 13.5 hours


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I hope others will use Rodd's data to make their own Rosette. It is nice data and, as I said to Rodd, it really would be nice to see different (personal) variations with the same base data. Here is my effort today.....(apologies to Rodd for cropping it...but then again, we want personal perspective on final image).


Final (1430 x 1576).jpg

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1 hour ago, Kinch said:

Here is my effort today

Thanks Brendan for showing me the line, fuzzy though it may be, between pleasantly saturated and overs-aturation.  It crept up on me.  Here is a revised version that I think is a little easier on the eye.


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👍 for that last one. One of my great failings....posting something without sleeping on it and looking again with fresh eyes the following day. I can well understand that stement "It crept up on me".

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3 hours ago, happy-kat said:

no idea how to do narrow band so colours are 'interesting',

That's as interesting as it gets!  You really brought out the background dust.  

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23 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

might start again and create a less star filled version

I think if you increased the dynamic range within the nebula it would be a striking image.  

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12 minutes ago, Rodd said:

I think if you increased the dynamic range within the nebula it would be a striking image.  

Thank you for the data to play with, it's unfamiliar territory as I usually just have star fields, it's increasing or is that pushing my StarTools processing

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1 minute ago, happy-kat said:

Thank you for the data to play with, it's unfamiliar territory as I usually just have star fields, it's increasing or is that pushing my StarTools processing

Not familiar with Star Tools at all, unfortunately.  Is there a way in Star Tools to isolate features by color or brightness, or to cover or protect areas by use of an opaque layer or mask?  

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After watching StarGaZine last night re mapped the three files to hubble on Compose loading and this flavour was the result. I let a replay run of the previous steps to repeat the process, only a very slight alteration once finished to slightly adjust the autodev.


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12 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

this flavour was the result.

Looks good.  The choices are endless, I know.  I am looking forward to a broad band rendition.  Broad band emission nebulae are tough for me in my sky, but I will give it a try.


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