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M13 : Touptek ATR3-1600KPA first light and much more


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Hello all,

yes another M13 shot i did. i discovred i start to have the habbit to photograph this object each time it is up and i have a new piece of equipement to test.

This time the new equipement was Touptek ATR3-1600-KPA (OSC Cmos ,much alike Zwo ASI1600-Pro color ) and also a new guidecam : Touptek 2000KMB mono guider.

I am actuall quite amazed what came out. realizing this is the second night working with Kstars,... and the cams ofcourse ( once i managed manual focus with guider and main-camera , i went sleeping ).

my stars are in all four corners 'quite long' so i think i might have to adapt my Baader MPPC Mk3 coma corrector (also the first time used)  a bit.

Gain : 0

T° : 0°C

exposures: 1*20s , 1*60 , 1*70 and 26*75s. total : 35 mins

15 darks are made and 30 bias.

telescope : Skywatcher 130PDS

mount : Skywatcher EQM35Pro





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I tend to use M13 as a test bed as well strangely, easy object to find and a god test with the bright core.

I would make sure your spacing is correct for your coma corrector and that will take care of the edges. Otherwise a good image with a lot of detail. Have you tried to remove the background gradients?

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13 minutes ago, CloudMagnet said:

Wow, great improvement. The background on the second picture is perfect. Once the spacing is fixed, you will have a great setup there :)

Agreed.  I think globs will stand a darker background than you might want on a DSO image, but in this case the last image has really killed off the galaxy to the top right and my preference would be to keep as much of that as possible.


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