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“Locked Down but Looking Up” stargazers survey


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Hi! My name is Neill and I help run the gostargazing.co.uk website. We feature stargazing events and locations across the UK and have been keen supporters of grassroots astronomy for several years.  If you are a member of a club or society that hosts outreach events it's likely that some of your guests and new members will have found your group via our website.

We believe that astronomy can play an important part helping society recover from the virus pandemic. Many businesses such as tourist destinations and accommodation providers are set to lose a whole Summer season due to the lockdown. We of course don’t know how things will turn out, however, when the nights start getting longer it could be the time when people are once again allowed to venture out. If so then we are all too happy to encourage public interest in the night skies whilst at the same time supporting local businesses.

Our aim is to connect locations who want to promote themselves as stargazing destinations with people who can help them do so. The support and involvement of the astronomy community is therefore crucial to our plans.  If you’re interested in getting involved I’d like to invite you to participate in our online survey at gostargazing.co.uk/survey which also features a prize draw to win a refracting telescope, home planetarium and other great prizes.

Thank you for your time. We wish you good health and clear skies!


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We don’t normally allow this sort of questionnaire but, Neill asked special permission and as we met and spoken to Neill on a number of occasions and like the work he is doing at Go Stargazing to support amateur astronomers, societies and others across the UK lo find and share astronomy we’ve agreed this can be posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick shout out to say thank you to all of you who have participated in my survey, and also to FLO for their support. If you haven't already done so there's still plenty of time as the prize draw takes place on the Summer Solstice. Clear skies!

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