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Fan Recommendations for Peltier cooler


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Can someone recommend a low vibration fan for a peltier cooler for DSLR.

Ive made an external peltier cooler for a Canon 550d.

Wasn't keen on a cold finger. This one basically keeps reported EXIF temp at ambient, which I'm reasonably happy with.

Trouble is, I have had a difficult time with vibrations. When you hold the fan when its going, you can feel a low vibration.- It is audibly quite quiet though.
This vibration shows up on stars. They turn into rectangles, instead of circles.
I have tried all sorts of mounting, including attached with foam rubber, or thin springs. This lowers vibration a bit, but I'm amazed how much vibration can still make it through a thin spring wire or piece of foam.
I've seen a few posts here, and for the most part people don't have much problem with vibration. This surprises me as mine is so sensitive to it.
Also it seems to me that the cold finger type modifications would be ultra sensitive to vibration, as the fan/heatsink is closely coupled mechanically -straight to the back of the sensor chip!

I used this fan/heatsink   https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33044944143.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dRCwcIA

All the places online say that their fans are super quiet of course,- But I'd like to hear a real world example of a particular fan that someone else has had success with.

Thanks for any help :)

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Hi. If you already have a way of attaching the heatsink to the camera it might be a pain to change it. You could try unscrewing the fan from the heatsink, putting pieces of rubber at the corners/sides between the fan and the heatsink and then attaching the fan to the heatsink with strong elastic bands. I tried it with my Zalman fan and it seemed to work great by feel. You will have to remove the plastic fan heatsink attachments for it to work.

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