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Hubble the Conspiracy Killer?


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Hi All,

I've really started getting the Star Gazers bug now and have been researching everything from the vocanoes on Mars to Iridium flares.

I've been absolutely stunned by the Hubble images from deep space I've seen, but a thought has occured to me. As Hubble orbits the Earth and is not constrained by atmospheric conditions etc and clearly has the ability to image distant objects, would it not be possible to aim it at the Apollo landing sites and show conclusive proof that man did indeed walk on the moon by showing the remains of the spacecraft that landed there. This would finally kill off the 'Faked Moon landing' conspiracies, and I think give us some amazing images.

Two questions, is it possible and should it be done?


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Answer one: Unfortunately, the resolution of HST at the distance to the Moon is just shy of 3 meters, making it unable to resolve the landers.

Answer 2: No.

>On soapbox< Anyone doubting the facts of landing on the Moon, or believing any conspiracy that it was faked should crawl back in their paranoid delusion and leave the rest of us alone. THE single most courageous journey in the history of mankind has been reduced to squabbling by people that have no knowledge of the simplest physics, photography, digital reproduction, astronautics, human biology and a hundred other sciences and procedures.

There's an old saying, "Three may keep a secret if two are dead." There were literally tens of thousands of people worldwide that made the Apollo landings possible. Imagine trying to keep it secret if it had been faked? I'm fairly sure the Russians would have pierced the bubble long ago, if indeed it needed piercing. >Off soapbox<

I'm sorry you guys had to hear that...

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I agree completely Astroman - lets face it that period was right in the middle of the cold war. Almost every government agency, on both sides of the big pond, were swarming with spies.... There is no way that NASA was any different.

IMO they went and although I watch the TV programmes about "faked moon landings" it's more out of humour than taking them seriously. Besides if they hadn't gone how else would they know that the moon was made from cheese? :)


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THE single most courageous journey in the history of mankind
I myself would give that honour to the boys who climbed into the Landing Craft  on D-Day, but I do agree that the faked landings claims are daft.

It's a shame Hubble cant take the pics as I think they'd look very cool... Oh well I shall just have to have a good look next time the moon comes up!

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