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Guide Scope?

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I'm looking at replacing my current guidescope with a new one.  I currently have a 50mm with a focal leigenth of 242mm and current camera is an asi120mini.  The reasone I'm looking at a new scope is I normaly can only pickup 3 or 4 star's to choose from for my guiding.  I'm thinking of someware in the 60mm range with a shortor focal leigenth.  My thinking in this may be flawed, if so tell me.  I have a new camera on it's way. The ASI174 to replace the 120mini.  Would a guidescope with a wider appature and a shorter focal leigenth give me a wider field of view? or is it something that is a moot point?  Looking for suggestions and guidance place.

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2 hours ago, Lostone said:

I normaly can only pickup 3 or 4 star's to choose from for my guiding

You only need one star to guide! 

Seriously, what do you actually mean? 

If using PHD2 to guide, that chooses the star, not you. 

Are you saying that the stars are not good enough for PHD2 to autoselect? 

What exposure are you using? 

What gain is the camera set to? 

The ASI174 is a fine imaging camera, but at 500 dollars is a bit overkill for guiding purposes, the ASI120 MINI ought to work with your current guidescope. 


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9 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

You only need one star to guide! 

Seriously, what do you actually mean? 

If using PHD2 to guide, that chooses the star, not you. 

Are you saying that the stars are not good enough for PHD2 to autoselect? 

What exposure are you using? 

What gain is the camera set to? 

The ASI174 is a fine imaging camera, but at 500 dollars is a bit overkill for guiding purposes, the ASI120 MINI ought to work with your current guidescope. 


The 174 might be 500 where your at, but bairly over 300 for me.  Anyway the 120 does work, but not good enough, It does pick a star but it's not always the best star.  I have no issues with phd2, but this is a personal preferance.  I live is a class 8/9 sky area and the 174 has a better sensor than the 120 which is just soso.  Plus the 174 has a much wider field of view



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8 minutes ago, Lostone said:

It does pick a star but it's not always the best star. 

Once again, what do you mean? If PHD2 has selected it, it should be suitable for guiding. 

500 dollars was the price on a US site, not UK. 

Looks to me  like you've made your mind up already. 


Edited by michael8554
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What FL scope are you guiding?? Not the Guide scope - the imaging scope??  May be no need to change your guide scope - a 50mm guide scope is usually good for guiding up to about 1000mm imaging scope.

An ASI 120 should work just fine with it.

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