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Waiting for the night train !


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Lovely looking night , seeing was very variable before midnight . Widely spaced and variable in brightness , the satellite train took ages to pass just above Leo. Right neck crâner to see before 11. 

Very pleased to get the comet in Camelopardalis, not easily placed in a brighter area of the sky. Something magic about a small fuzz visiting our skies.Cassiopeia was hidden below next door.

Onto Draco, some glorious binaries there, well placed for a comfy chair at the eyepiece.

Σ1984 and a close delicate companion, easy spot at x48.  Σ2199 , bright and wonderfully matched.  16-17 Draconis a wide triple , the bright A having a companion.

Tour of M13 , M92, M53 and M5. Some resolved stars to these ancient cores. Rasalgethi (α Herculis) once again gave the challenge of a small speck beside a very bright ( brightest in Hercules ) star. Rasalhague was rising , Ophuichus is coming with some great views.

Keep safe , clear skies , 


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Glad some one got out had a night planned with some in Auriga and Gemini which I can see between houses. But neighbours had a get together burning wood in a Chiminea and security light on. 

I cannot remember doing any doubles in Ophiuchus so look forward to that, great sketches Nick particularly the comet, went out at 9.05 watch for skytrain never saw it again. 

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