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Galaxy train !


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Set up and before long the satellite train rumbled by , some lagging , one with a tiny bit beside it . Got the boss out to look , I don't know anything about them apart from they're the size of kitchen tables. Oh and the idiot Elon Musk got a mention.

By eye , got down to the four stars of Corvus . Got two sets of triple stars there.  Σ1659 and Σ1604. Quite easy and a delight , especially Σ1659 presented as a triangle inside a field triangle.IMG_7633.thumb.JPG.f831c0b5a3c61d8a7c2b012fe75bab5c.JPG

Then a couple of gems in Ursa Minor,IMG_7632.thumb.JPG.dc15b31d8592d2225a328934c046700d.JPG

Great time for galaxies , so chose the brightest , came away with some bright cores and long streaks. SQM just under 19.

Virgo. M104 (+8) Sombrero galaxy , nice shape.  M49 brighter , M58, M59. M60 was brighter, both M84 and M86 in the field at x92.M87 and M90 rounded up the fuzz.

Canes Venatici.M94 very bright. NGC 4632 ( the "whale") long streak. M51 there with NGC 5195. M63 (" sunflower") and M106.

Hercules was well up, try two planetaries there ,

IC4593   The "white eyed pea" does what it says , then blinks away.   NGC 6210 at x92 a very big "turtle Nebula ". 

Feeling tired , retired for the night , stay safe ,




Edited by cotterless45
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1 hour ago, cotterless45 said:

Oh and the idiot Elon Musk got a mention.

Mr Musk  certainly has an odd way of expressing himself and his "Tesla in Space" PR stunt maybe not to all tastes. However, credit where credit is due. On 17th May SpaceX will be launching two astronauts to the ISS. This will be the first US crewed spaceflight in nearly a decade. He may be many things, and not appeal to all, but I do not believe that he is an "idiot".

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I see that two Moderators here on SGL Have seen fit to "like" a post in which the OP has directly  defamed another individual.  Surely this is inappropriate.  Remember folks, this is a public facing forum, in which all content is in the Public Domain. 


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If we go down that route well be frightened to say anything. I can think of much worse than the term "idiot". Anyone who shoot's a car at Mars deserves to be the target of verbal abuse, and he missed at that!  

Edited by mikeDnight
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