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Reprocessed Saturn Image

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Have spent a good few hours processing some L(IR)RGB Saturn data captured in September  last year and have made some real gains in the final image, just from taking a different approach to the processing. 

For the new image I sharpened and tweaked two versions of the same image. One where I concentrated on the rings, and one where I concentrated on the globe, and merged them together to form the final image. 

I also spent much more time aligning each channel of each LRGB sequence at the pixel scale in PS (I collected 3no. LrGB sequences) before stacking them together whereas previously I relied on winjupos to derotate the images together, without really checking the alignment in any detail myself.

Finally I took a more iterative approve to sharpening and noise reduction. Doing both in small steps at different stages and on individual channels, rather than just doing at all in one go on the final image. 

I'm really pleased with this and an glad I took the time to experiment.

I guess that if you feel dissatisfied with your images and have the urge to invest in better kit chasing the better image,  it might be worth investing some time at the computer first as you could be very pleasantly surprised! 


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Thanks both. I'm really glad I spent the time just playing around with imppg, regsitax and PS. Didnt know what I was doing most of the time, just pulling sliders this way and that, but it's paid off. Now to go back and write down what I did! 

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