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Disappointing night.


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Set up 9.30pm  Aligned with Arcturus and Regulus. Checked accuracy by going to named star Arcturus as I was going for Bootes quite a bit off so centred it.

Κ Boo   (SAO 0290  46/45)  close double White primary silver secondary.

ί Boo    (SAO  0290  71)  Wide double straw yellow with a dirty white.

δ Boo   (SAO  0645  89) Super wide but plenty of colour lovely yellow with blue secondary.

μ Boo   (SAO  0646  86/87  Supposed to be a splendid sight I could not get the split and the view was terrible back to this in a minute.

S656    (SAO  0830  22)        Both the same magnitude slight variation of colour

Σ 1838   (SAO 1010  09)       Orange twins

Σ 1850   (SAO 0833  74)       Near white twins

2 Coma B  SAO 0821  23)     Tight double only Just split it with 6.4mm

I have not written these in order of observing Before going for Alkalurops I went for Izar  I knew there was something wrong when I could not split this, I thought perhaps mount had moved so tried Coma B and got it.

Went back to Alkalurops because I was looking forward to sketching it but nothing, despite having two dew strips going the front was dewed up so no use carrying on I could have hair dried it but it was only going to come back so gave up with quite a few doubles I had not got.





Bootes 1.jpg

Bootes 2.jpg

Edited by wookie1965
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That's a great list of doubles, it's a pity about the dew cutting short your session.  I was out last night too with the 102mm frac but a high hazy cloud came in and closed down the session. 

Tonight is looking good however. Fingers crossed. 


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Nice report and some excellent binaries. Shame about the dew. I have dewing problems when I use my ED120 at the society observatory and find that an Astrozap dewshield on the end of the stock dewshield does a good job.



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3 minutes ago, John said:

Nice report and some excellent binaries. Shame about the dew. I have dewing problems when I use my ED120 at the society observatory and find that an Astrozap dewshield on the end of the stock dewshield does a good job.



I was thinking about that I have a Astrozap dew strip and another a friend made had them both running last night warm to the touch as well when I was stripping down.

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Borrow a hairdryer from SWMBO. Quick and very  gentle blast does it .

If dew is that bad , it's time to pack up. Not only will humidity bounce light around the sky , but eps will quickly fog over. 

Lovely report , plenty time to revisit Bootes , Coma Berenices and Virgo.

stay safe, old Nick.

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