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ZWO ASI385 MC - my tale of woe


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My ASI385 stopped working in February but it was still under the warranty period so I thought that it would be easy to resolve. Not a bit of it. I sent it back to the supplier (not FLO) and was told that it would be sent back to China for repair.

I hadn't heard anything so I rang the supplier the other day. He told me that it had gone off to China ok but then got held by Chinese customs for a long time and then sent back to him. He said that it will go back to China and that it will take 2 weeks to arrive there. So assuming all goes well this time I might get it back by the end of May. Now I haven't named the supplier because I don't really know who is to blame for this cock up but it would have been nice to be informed what was going on without me having to phone them. Customer care - I'm the Customer and they don't care!

Not impressed.


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1 hour ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

2 thoughts, if it failed that quickly, it wasn't fit for purpose, therefore either a replacement or refund, and secondly an interim 'good will', loan camera ??

Problem is that they don't make the cool version anymore.


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  • 1 month later...

This is an update for anyone who might be interested.

I called the supplier yesterday for an update to discover that nothing had progressed at all. In the end, and to bring the matter to a close, I purchased a new ASI533MC-Pro with a large discount to reflect the cost of the ASI385. I don't know how much longer this would have gone on otherwise as it was already 3 months with no progress. Not good. Shame, I would have preferred the 385 back.


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