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NGC 4565 in Coma Berenices

Mike JW

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I came across this galaxy following my Flat galaxy list. 

The needle galaxy – NGC 4565 (UGC 7772), Caldwell 38, (RFGC 2335)is a wonderful edge on spiral (barred) galaxy 30 to 50 million lyrs away. There is so much to see with this galaxy. Pronounced central bulge with a tight and very bright core. The obvious but off set dust lane. The dust lane seems to have a curve to it and is thicker on one side. The dust lane is textured – suggesting star clusters? I cleaned it up slightly in photoshop.. I was wowed when this beauty popped up on the screen. I just sat there clued to the screen. Mike



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I love these side views. It's wonderful how the core is visible under the dust lanes. Or is that a star?
I do hope it's the core because that would make it awesomely compact and bright.

Great shot!

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