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A crop of craters around Schiller


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I had some excellent luck with perfect seeing on Friday, so I was eager to get out again. I only got a chance past midnight, and was immediately struck by the poor seeing. Inspecting the Moon at 96x for some targets I was struck by a strange elongated crater that I now know as Schiller. It appears to be two fused craters of the same age, possibly the impactor broke up into two parts shortly before impact? 


To the east of Schiller are a pair of walled plains, the larger Longomontanus to the south and Wilhelm to the north:


On the subject of strangely elongated craters, to the north of Schiller is this deeply excavated peanut pod, next to the dark Lacus Timoris:


Does anyone know the name of the peanut pod? EDIT: Thanks to @CraigT82 it is called Hainzel, and is actually 3 overlapping but distinct craters - the two deapest even have central peaks as can be seen in the image.

Here is the whole region (downsampled as it is a screen capture from StarTools demo version - I bought a key today but it takes 48 hours to get the key).schiller_region.png.6fea6301d6821b85e9d3decf99c9a12a.png

I got the crater names from here: https://pubs.usgs.gov/sim/3316/downloads/sim3316_sheet1_lo_res.pdf

This was shot with a 1560x1560 ROI in a sequence of 2000 8ms frames. I processed in Autostakkert (keeping only 10% of frames due to poor seeing) and StarTools. Equipment: C6, AZ GTi, ASI 178 MM. Shot in mono, but with a Wratten 29 filter, so really an image in long red and IR.

Edited by Ags
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I also captured Gassendi and Mare Humorum. Gassendi is criss-crossed by a network of rilles known as Rimae Gassendi.


Apollo 16 took this picture of Gassendi:


There is a long fracture or rill running north-south to the west of Gassendi, but I haven't found any information on it yet.

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