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Heart Nebula Comparison


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What else to do with cloudy, virus ridden skies?  I have always been reluctant to call it quits on teh Heart Nebula, noise and palette being the major conflicts.  I have had a rego, and the resulting image shows a markedly different approach than i took previosuly.  I refrained from removing all teh green, which I am beginning to appreciate, and I was less aggressive with the stretch.  Is it an iprovement, or just a difference.  I believe the palette is more typical Hubble.







Edited by Rodd
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1 minute ago, MarkAR said:

I think you've nailed it, the centre looks light and the surrounding gas has just enough punch.

Thanks MarK.  I love narrowband work.  I have been concentrating on broadband becuase it is somehow ore respected.  But its a struggle in my sky.  Perhaps when the Milky Way returns its back to the nebulae!

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2 hours ago, old_eyes said:

I think the blend is spectacular. It really looks like you are looking through a window of red-brown into a blue-green scene beyond. Excellent image. Great impact.

Thanks old blue eyes!

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4 hours ago, alan potts said:

I prefer the first image which is a stunning piece of work from you as is the norm.


Thanks Alan. I guess I should have had the courage of my convictions!

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1 hour ago, Rodd said:

Thanks Alan. I guess I should have had the courage of my convictions!

I personally feel Rodd people like to see different versions, with NB there are so many ways to present the finished picture. I myself don't like to see an image too over saturated and then when i do my own images, do just that most of the time. I think I went for the first one mainly for that reason, though your captures are always beautifully presented and a pleasure to look at.


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53 minutes ago, alan potts said:

I personally feel Rodd people like to see different versions, with NB there are so many ways to present the finished picture. I myself don't like to see an image too over saturated and then when i do my own images, do just that most of the time. I think I went for the first one mainly for that reason, though your captures are always beautifully presented and a pleasure to look at.


Thanks Alan.  I am the same way.  

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