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Venus and Pleiades


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With Venus in amongst the stars of M45 I took the chance to take a few images with the camera. However, the bright planet drowned the stars and was so bright I couldn't get anything I liked. So, out with the paper and pencil for a quick sketch. A very enjoyable experience. Definitely try this sort of thing again, as I've only previously sketched lunar and planets up close.

I have to say the human eye does a good job under these conditions, being able to switch from very bright objects to very faint, pretty much instantly, and I could see far more than the camera picked up.

Anyway, attached is my quick field sketch. I definitely need a sharper pencil next time; my stars are pretty ragged. Also how do people sketch such star rich targets, is there a method you use? The longer I looked the more I noticed and had to keep revisiting sections of the sketch to add ever fainter stars. 


venus m45 - Copy.jpg

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Venus is still within the area covered by the Pleiades tonight and it will still look excellent.  Perhaps better in that it is more offset from the centre of the group so less dazzling across the central area of the Pleiades themselves.

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