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Upgrade Dobsonian or New Setup?

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I'd be grateful for your opinions on whether I'm best upgrading my scope or selling it for a new setup!


I have a Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian (the 1200 tube) but:

  1. I'd really like it to be more rigid, so it doesn’t wobble as much at the slightest touch
  2. I'd like a finer focuser so I can get a sharper image
  3. I'd like the scope to keep the object where I put it, rather than have it drift outside the field of view and having to keep nudging it back in - I feel like I spend more time doing this than observing!


I can probably do without a GOTO if it helps keep the cost down, but the option might be nice - it's fun finding objects but I have a narrow view of the sky between the house and trees and so it's not long before some objects have set!

I might like to put my dslr on and take a photo or few but it would only be a dabble at the moment - I mainly want to see the sky with my own eyes!


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1. I'm confused about this point. If anything I've found my dob to be a bit too stiff rather than wobbly. You can increase tension on both alt and az bearings - that will make it stiffer to move. Not sure about wobble though - my 200p feels like a solid piece of kit and it does no budge easily.

2. Here you can do simple upgrade.


I did it on mine and I'm super happy with it. It's a bit long wait at the moment (website says 88 days) but maybe it can be found elsewhere in stock?

3. In order to have tracking - most cost effective solution is either to purchase or DIY equatorial platform.

In general re changing the telescope vs upgrading:

200p is a lot of telescope - I mean aperture. Dobsonian mount is quite manageable for that much aperture. If you want to keep 8" of aperture and have that much comfort on EQ or tracking AltAZ mount - it's going to cost you quite a bit of money (compared to this dob of course - if something is expensive to someone is relative thing).

Besides increased cost - there is issue of manageability of scope. Only folded telescope design like SCT will be more manageable / comfortable on EQ mount in 8" size compared to dobsonian mount. If you want newtonian telescope in that size and still want to maintain some comfort - look into AZ mount rather than EQ mount.

Bottom line - if you want to keep things simple and don't want to spend too much money - upgrade focuser with above addition, get EQ platform and forget about imaging.

On the other hand - if you have enough money, then just hold onto the dob and get another scope that is both easily mounted and use don EQ mount and can be used later for astrophotography.

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Agree that you would be better off just upgrading the focuser and adding an EQ platform for tracking. Would be a good idea to read up on this forum about improving the movement of a Skywatcher dob.

With the 200p would be better to replace the whole focuser with the Skywatcher replacement one. 


Edited by johninderby
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34 minutes ago, mattnedgus said:

I'd be grateful for your opinions on whether I'm best upgrading my scope or selling it for a new setup!


I have a Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian (the 1200 tube) but:

  1. I'd really like it to be more rigid, so it doesn’t wobble as much at the slightest touch
  2. I'd like a finer focuser so I can get a sharper image
  3. I'd like the scope to keep the object where I put it, rather than have it drift outside the field of view and having to keep nudging it back in - I feel like I spend more time doing this than observing!


I can probably do without a GOTO if it helps keep the cost down, but the option might be nice - it's fun finding objects but I have a narrow view of the sky between the house and trees and so it's not long before some objects have set!

I might like to put my dslr on and take a photo or few but it would only be a dabble at the moment - I mainly want to see the sky with my own eyes!


I've got several 'scopes, but if ever I was forced to cut down to one (perish the thought 🤓), my 200p Dob would be a main contender.

It's a good compromise between power, light gathering, portablility and simplicity of use.

Taking your numbered points individually:

  1.  As Vlaiv said, a Dobsonian is a nice rigid design, as long as it's on a firm surface.
  2.  Dual speed focusers do allow finer movement, but single speed Crayfords (as on the 200P Dob) can allow fine movements if the tension is set correctly.
  3.  I'm not sure if I misunderstand your point about obects drifting out of the field of view, but any non-tracking mount will "drift" out of view within seconds at average magnifications.  Goto Dobs and powered equatorial mounts will keep objects in the centre of view when set up reasonable accurately to Polar North.


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1 hour ago, mattnedgus said:

I'd be grateful for your opinions on whether I'm best upgrading my scope or selling it for a new setup!


I have a Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian (the 1200 tube) but:

  1. I'd really like it to be more rigid, so it doesn’t wobble as much at the slightest touch
  2. I'd like a finer focuser so I can get a sharper image
  3. I'd like the scope to keep the object where I put it, rather than have it drift outside the field of view and having to keep nudging it back in - I feel like I spend more time doing this than observing!


I can probably do without a GOTO if it helps keep the cost down, but the option might be nice - it's fun finding objects but I have a narrow view of the sky between the house and trees and so it's not long before some objects have set!

I might like to put my dslr on and take a photo or few but it would only be a dabble at the moment - I mainly want to see the sky with my own eyes!


If you were considering a potential new set-up, how much would you be willing to throw into it in monetary terms?  I'm asking because a 100ED or 120ED on a driven equatorial can be more liberating than restrictive, as it will track the object you're looking at for ages without drifting. No goto needed, just a simple RA drive! This gives you the chance to really observe without the distraction of wrestling with that awful Dob mount. Dob's are ok for low to medium power, but they are pants at 400X. A tracking equatorial is a simple and joyful thing to use, as all you'd need are three level points on the ground marked out for your tripod, and after the first alignment with Polaris, every other observing session your scope will be polar aligned with no alignment procedure. Alternatively, leave the EQ permanently set up on a permanent garden pier and just carry the refractor tube outside. Much more comfortable to use too!

And you don't have to buy expensive high end stuff like the Tak's and Vixen in the pic's below. The Skywatcher DS Pro series are outstanding and are a worthy contender, especially if you can pick up a Second hand 120ED.

Easy to carry and solid giving both rich low power and high definition, high power views that are razor sharp.


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