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M105 etc, M51, M82 and Backyard Setup-Reposted

Kepler 3

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My backyard has really bad light pollution, but I've wanted to be able to do observing without having to, at my age, drive out of town and set up-so I set things up in my back yard. I have a 6" C6 SCT with f/6.4 reducer, an Orion Atlas mount, and an Atik Infinity monochrome camera. I set it up outside of my office area and decided to give it a try. I used SharpCap Pro to get my polar alignment done accurately and a 3-point star alignment-all of which I hooked up to my computer with USB cables(you can see my office setup in attached photo). I mainly used my iphone StarSeek app to operate my scope. I had a great time last night-I was comfortable and even was able to brew some a cup of tea while one of my images was stacking-what luxury. I captured M105/NGC3384/NGC3389 20s exposures x 20 stacks, M51 25s x 13, and M82 20s x 22. I also observed other fainter objects in Leo with less success-very washed out. I have ordered a UHC filter and will try to block out more of the light pollution (my yard borders on a public park with a bright sodium street light 50' away). I just wanted to share this-I think it's going to work. I plan on doing some spectroscopy with an Alpy 600, so hopefully, the light pollution won't be such a problem.



M105_NGC3384_3389_03_28_2020_20sx20_c6 - Copy.jpg


M82_03_28_2020_20sx22_c6 - Copy.jpg


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They're impressive results especially given the light pollution. I also like the FOV you're getting with that scope/reducer/sensor combination. 

That looks like a nice comfortable setup. Whenever I can I try to find a way to trail the cables so I can setup just inside the door, although there's always a bit of draught... Anything to stave off the cold and lengthen the observing session!


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