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EQ5 goto?


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I have an EQ5 goto and its been working with eqmod on my laptop with windows 10 fine. I brought an asiair last year and swapped between that and a cable using different scopes and all has been fine. Now I take my portable setuo to Haw Wood Farm star week and using the asiair the mount was fine. THEN I swapped the scope and used a eqmod cablle to my laptop an to my horror it would not connect. SO if the asiair is controlling the mount using the same eqmod cable from the control box to the asiair and then I remove the cable from the asiair and put it in the laptop why is it that all of a sudden the laptop can not find it/ The devices section in windows shows the cable connected and says its working?  The handset works the mount but if I use an old serial cable from the handset to the laptop in pc mode that does not connect either.  I have tried a new eqmod cable but no joy. I am at a loss as I want to use sgp. ANY IDEAS OUT THERE??????

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Thanks for replies but the eqmod cable I am using is the correct one for the eq5 mount and I was using it prior to this issue. The cable finds a com port and uses it all the time which ever port you put it in. So if I was in the asiair control box is that different from my laptop and the chip has got confused (like me)

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