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A glorious night.....


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At last, a glorious night, no moon, no con trails, excellent transparency and only a nearby vixen for company! The Plough was in a good position for me, so I had a good look at Bode's galaxies before moving to Atlas c/2019 Y4. I only get to see UMa's beauties when it is nearly overhead, as my northern view is heavily LP'd.

M81: both M81 and M82 were in the same field of view, (180 Mak with 38mm Panaview EP). The spiral arms at the extremities of M81 were just visible, with the centre of the galaxy very clearly mottled. 

M82: a beautiful silver streak, with the central bright area very clearly offset, giving the impression of a sharp edge on that side.

c/2019 Y4: very clear and formless "splodge", no visible tail. Much easier to see than on previous occasions I've looked at it, but it has to be said, not very exciting!

M51: always a gem and in a good position for observing with such good transparency. With direct vision, the spiral structure was just about visible, but with averted vision, it was clear and (unusually for my site) the brightness of both parts extended well out from the centres, so that Whirlpool and NGC 5194 almost touched.

Roll on better weather while we all have time on our hands at home!


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M51 is my nemesis I have been trying to see this for over 4 years from home and never caught it. With a 6" and 8" newt and now with the Tal 100rs and the Meade 127 achromatic refractors still I am at a loss.

I did see it Friday In cotterless45`s 8" dob from a dark site.

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5 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

M51 is my nemesis I have been trying to see this for over 4 years from home and never caught it. With a 6" and 8" newt and now with the Tal 100rs and the Meade 127 achromatic refractors still I am at a loss.

I did see it Friday In cotterless45`s 8" dob from a dark site.

I usually only look if I can see M51 in the RACI, otherwise it means the viewing is too poor.


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1 hour ago, chiltonstar said:

I usually only look if I can see M51 in the RACI, otherwise it means the viewing is too poor.


I only use a Telrad so I cannot check but that is good advice I have got a Skywatcher shoe on the Tal so I could get a RACI, the Meade I would have to pay £178 just for the finder think I will give that a miss.

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