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A night amongst the LEO Galaxies

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Last night I made a list of the Galaxies I wanted to observe in the constellation of Leo - quite a lot!!

I set up the 12" Dob with the 80mm finderscope + my Interstellarum star atlas on a music stand.

Before starting the galaxy hunt I did observe C/2019 Y4 (Atlas) which clearly had moved from the previous night - same brightness but hoping for bigger things in the months ahead.

I should have started my Leo observing with NGC 2903 but I viewed this galaxy the previous night so I started on the Leo sickle with NGC 3193, 3190 and 3185 (quite faint). Moving down to Algieba to view another group NGC 3226, 3227 but failed to see NGC 3222.

Moved over to the other side and picked up another tight group - NGC 3607, 3608 and 3626 not too far away. Starting at star 81 there is a line of galaxies NGC 3681, 3684 and 3686. To the right of 81 is NGC 3655. Moved up to Zosma and observed NGC 3646. Moved down to Chertan to observe NGC 3596.

I have to say that seeing and transparency was not the best I have known but it was okay. Certainly star hopping with an 80mm finderscope and a detailed atlas makes observing more of a pleasure.

Finally I decided to view M65, M66 and NGC 3628. This means that the galaxies starting with M95 and moving upwards will hopefully be observed tonight.

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