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Mersenius - 9th December


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I'm now getting to the end of the mammoth AVI processing programme I'm on. Between the 6th and 10th December I took over 45GB of AVIs of the Moon, imaging 25 different lunar features, some of them on two or three nights. - Only three more AVIs to go.

This one is Mersenius, a fascinating crater to the east of the Mare Humorum. Of particular note is the fact that the crater floor is actually domed. If you look to the left of the crater floor you can actually see it's in partial shadow.

I continue to be delighted by the difference in image resolution afforded by the mono-chipped Toucam (as sold by Astronomiser) when compared to the normal colour version - the difference is staggering. It's my intention to use it to capture luminance data for imaging Saturn, with the normal Toucam collecting the colour data.


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Hi Michael

Good image there. Keep up the good work.

I have just got hold of a Lumenera 120 Camera and hope (once i've shaken off this damned flu) to do a similar thing with my normal ToUCam, by taking high resolution B&W and colour webcam. I'm really looking forward to having a go.

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