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11.03.2020 AR


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Additional images as seeing improves and racing cloud thins.
3k frames in SharpCap at 0.8ms exp, 320fps in 9 seconds, zero gain, 800 x 600, 1144, 1153 & 12.00 CET.
Baader 160mm D-ERF, iStar 150/10 H-alpha, Beloptik KG3, Baader 35nm H-a, PST mods, Maier ITF , ZWO ASI174MM.
Processed in AS!2, iMPPG and. Cropped, coloured and resized larger in PhotoFiltre7.


sun ar 11.3.2020 1144 imppg pf7.jpg

sun ar 11.3.2020 1153 imppg pf7..jpg

sun ar 11.3.2020 12.00 imppg pf7 rsz.jpg

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1 minute ago, Peter Drew said:

Excellent results, new setup and owner working well.       😀

Thanks Peter. :thumbsup:

Westerly gales don't usually help the seeing.
Now turning the dome more into the wind. So it gets in and blows the scope about.
Still, pleased with this morning's steadily improving results. Almost continuous sunshine now.
I'm going from capture to posting processed stills in only a few short minutes. :icon_clown:

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Two further images after lunch.
At 14.53 the flare was still clearly visible.
By 1503 [CET] it had curled itself up to the south east.

The seeing is definitely worse than it was before lunch.
Though, thankfully, the wind has dropped.


sun ar 11.3.2020 14.53 imppg pf7.jpg

sun ar 11.3.2020 15.03 imppg pf7 rsz.jpg

sun ar 11.3.2020 15.18 imppg pf7 rsz.jpg

Edited by Rusted
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Some reprocessed images of the short term flare at 12:46[CET]: Mostly playing with iMPPG & PhotoFiltre7.

No idea why added a 1 to the AR number. But what do you expect from somebody who once wore flares?  :icon_clown:


new sun 11.3.2020 12.46 flare imppg pf7.jpg txt 3.jpg

new sun 11.3.2020 12.46 flare imppg pf7 3 txt.jpg

new sun 11.3.2020 12.46 flare imppg pf7 txt 4.jpg

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