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Another Quark Question


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8 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Got one here supplied new last year waiting for the present situation to sort itself out before returning it as it no  longer lets any light through.


Have you tried quark combo? I would rather get that one and supply my own telecentric / aperture mask to get F/15 - F/30 beams (and see what settings work the best), and also, I'm interested in photographic applications, and combo seems better suited as it can provide full disk up to 1800FL?

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On 30/04/2020 at 08:15, astro_al said:

Currently I am using TV 25mm Plossls which have a 21mm field stop so no vignetting.

On closer inspection there is vignetting with the TV 25mm Plossls. Not sure why.

Update: it looks like this is down to the binoviewers, which is surprising as they are supposed to be 25mm clear aperture and there is nothing else in the light path I can think of that would cause the issue. Now that I was looking for it I could also clearly see the vignetting with the 25mms in the 2" Herschel wedge and the 2.6x GPC. It will be interesting to see how the Maxbright 2s perform in comparison once they arrive. The converted Zeiss unit does seem to struggle a bit when viewing the Sun or Moon. Internal reflections spill light into the FOV which lowers the contrast.

Edited by astro_al
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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally had a chance to try Quark with binos today through some holes in the clouds. Quite impressive.

Switched between mono and bino and here are some points:

- Binos dim the view a bit (duh!), I rotated Quark a little in order to get polarization dimming approximately the same in both eyes. There was a big prom and it looked even bigger. Everything looks bigger in the binos, when I went back to 32mm in mono mode it looked much smaller. I know it should not have looked smaller, but it felt like that for sure. The effect was quite pronounced.

- Merging was a problem at start but then I figured out that - for some reasons - the winged eyecups on my Baader 32mm plossls were bothering me. Once I folded them down there was no problem whatsoever.

- Mono view was brighter on the proms and, at the same magnification I saw additional details. Which probably means that I should dial magnification down to 40mm (which I tried, of which more below). The view in the binos was much more relaxing and, again, looked big and the narrow FOV looked somehow less constrained. Surface was easier to observe. Seeing was not that great anyway...

- I dug out one Vixen 40mm plossl that I regularly use with Quark and another, long forgotten, 40mm surplus plossl I got with C8 and somehow managed to use them and merge the image. The eye relief is much bigger on 40mm. I felt that promwise this is probably the optimum exit pupil for the binos, but I am not too keen on such big eye relief in binoculars. To order another Vixen 40mm or not and test it properly...or just stick to 32mm? Dunno.

- Balancing was a problem. On back end there's Quark plus bino plus eps, just over 1kg altogether, on the front there's DERF (over 500grams). I could have omitted DERF but the scope would have been even more unbalanced. AzGTi has 5kg load capacity so I tried to use AYOII, which did well (with balancing at all) until the sun started climbing and the barycenter moved with it too. Evolution would handle this with no problems. I am hesitant to put this on AzGti in either variant without DERF (and only internal ERF), straining the mount in handling a bottom heavy setup or with DERF (where it is better balanced) but comes at almost 6kg. Any tips are welcome...



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