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Two in a view


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Poor seeing, a bright sky, breezy with some cloud - not an ideal recipe for a good session but I did bag a few interesting doubles with the 150P; Iota Cancri - a lovely wide double with a bright yellow primary and fainter blue/white scecondary; HR4028 - two members of 4 and 6.5 separated by 1.5", only just achievable in the poor conditions.

The highlight though was two doubles in the same FOV - at 60x I could see both Kappa and Iota Bootis - a lovely sight and worth seeking out even in the smallest of scopes! Kappa comprised a creamy yellow primary and grey/white secondary separated by 13". Iota comprised a bright white primary faint secondary separated by 38". Rough sketch below.



I searched for some interesting open clusters but there is precious little about in the spring*. Time to put the 150P away and break out the C8 for some galaxy observing or a bit of EAA I think?


* Edit - I can only see the eastern half of the sky so can no longer see most of the winter constellations by the time I get out.

Edited by RobertI
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