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Hi everyone

The subtitle (?) for this cluster is salt and pepper. I suppose it's a bit salty, although my original theory of reference to the sense taste was soon corrected by those who by now I should know know better.

Longest ever for a cluster; 2 hours before the haze attacked. Ran it through Siril's NOMAD colour database thingy which made what was a pretty orange and blue cluster, almost colourless. Wonderful!

All comments most gratefully received. Please do post your images too.

eos700d @ ISO800


Edited by alacant
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31 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

your lenses

pn208.thumb.jpg.2c6f0f35b70cb9d7ba719992f6134e43.jpgHi and thanks for the comment.

In fact we used an 8" f4. I think the cluster is too small to be captured at this scale even with our 300mm Tair.

Here's the fov:



Edited by alacant
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