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Is there an asteroid in this M45 image?

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I noticed a little streak in the lower half and left of centre in the image of M45 I shot on the evening of December 30. This looks like the kind of streak a main belt asteroid could leave in a 2.5-3 hour time span. It is unlike any satellite trail I have seen, but I can't find which asteroid it could be in Stellarium. Any other ideas?

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3 hours ago, KevS said:

Probably this one



(416) Vaticana

Magnitude: 13.1

Phase: 11 °

Distance: 2.5904au

Solar distance: 3.3970au

Velocity: 14.3km/s

Date: 2020-01-01 14h59m32s

ref: MPO502156/2020-05-31

Hourly motion: 18.2" PA:270° dRA:-01.32s dDec:00.1"

Coordinates: Apparent Topocentric

Apparent RA: 03h48m16.708s DE:+23°49'41.87"

Mean of the date RA: 03h48m16.736s DE:+23°49'42.55"

Mean J2000 RA: 03h47m05.361s DE:+23°46'03.78"

Ecliptic  L: +60°06'34" B:+03°44'38"

Galactic  L: +166°50'38" B:-23°45'55"

Visibility for your observatory:

Home 2020-01-01 14h59m32s ( UTC )

Universal Time: 2020-01-01T14:59:32 JD=2458850.12468

DeltaT uncertainty:  +/- 0h00m00.3s

Local sidereal time: 21h41m56s

Hour angle: 17h53m39s

Azimuth: 74°06'32"

Altitude: +18°06'25.2"

Geometric altitude: +18°03'29.0"

Airmass: 3.2

Rise:12h33m56s Azimuth:46°04'

Transit:21h04m52s +60°16'

Set:05h39m44s Azimuth:313°56'


Just added it to Stellarium, and it fits the bill exactly! Thanks. Just made a crop showing the asteroid 


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