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IC410 Tadpoles in a cosmic soup lol


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Here is another image I took on Monday night, IC410 The Tadpole Nebula. This is 14 X 15 mins in Ha with my Atik460 CCD and Meade127mm F7.5 Triplet refractor.

As usual guided, captured, stacked & stretched in MaximDL, processed in Photoshop. No Darks or Flats


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1 hour ago, carastro said:

Very nice image, though quite how you manage to process without flats is quite amazing.  I find it impossible without flats, what is your secret?


Thanks Carol. 

First the sensor is smaller than the fully illuminated image circle of the scope, so any vignetting would be outside of this frame. Then regarding dust bunnies I meticulously clean the filters before I put them in the filter wheel, then attach to scope and camera immediately so they are completely sealed in, whenever I have to remove the camera ( which is very seldom ) I always blow the filters with a Rocket blower before re fitting.  sounds like hard work but literally only takes a couple of minutes.  Narrowband is much more forgiving for vignetting than LRGB, Ive sometimes had a little bit of slightly darker corners with the bigger sensor of my 383  doing LRGB but then I just perform a flatten background process in Maxim to each channel prior to combining them, its like DBE in pix insight. Ive noticed most pix insight tutorials online people combine their channels first then spend ages trying to correct horrendous colour gradients and noise etc. But if you flatten each channel first then there is nothing to correct later. I like to do processing in a logical progression and none of the tutorials ive seen do it this. 


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