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Checking up on my collimation efforts

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I've recently bought lots of new equipment including a new skywatcher 130pds and a colimating cap. I'm very excited to actually get out and do some imaging at some point soon. 

Today, in my garage i decided to run through the intructions on this guys website and collimate my telescope. The main mirror was well out but i think i managed to get the little hole in the circle. Now when I run through the instructions for the secondary mirror, sticking a piece of paper opposite. I cant quite tell if its good or not.

The first picture below kindoff looks like things are lined up but my second image is perhaps a but out. This could just be the angle im taking the picture.

In gereral, please can someone with a good eye for this sort of thing let me know if this looks ok? I dont want to start fiddling with the secondary mirror if i dont have to. 





Edited by Andrew Singleton
Changed colimatjng eyepiece to cap
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Andrew can you see all 3 clips for the primary mirror as I can see 1 with the screws at 2 o'clock  and 1 partially at 6 o'clock yet cannot see the third or is you photo not straight? Btw small world I hailed from your neck of the woods Hayeswater circle.

btw  what are you using to collimate the scope a laser or cheshire


Edited by fozzybear
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Hi Andy.

Blimey you were extremely close to where i am! Im just down the road near the golf course. You should have a good idea of the skies i will be up against! 

I could be wrong but i think i can see one at about 11 oclock. I tried my best to get a straight photo but its just with my phone and i cant be sure. 

I am actually just using a cap which is clearly not whst i said in the first message! Sorry. I spent do much money on other gear that the cheshire had to wait!


P.S. i seem to have duplicated this post and cant seem to delete. Is there any way i can?

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Ok thanks, ill have a good look at that article and see if i cam get anywhere. 

Yeah the Garricks Head is still up and going. We had a beer there outside in the summer. Its ome of the only pub round here thats not been done up so probably the same as when you worked there! 

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Urmston is full of wine bars how the area has changed last time I came back was in 2013. A shame.So you will have light pollution from the Trafford Centre and the chill factor, golf driving range, Also maybe the new rugby club near Macro yes.  Are you a member of any club? can recommend BAS Bolton astro. http://www.boltonastro.co.uk/ I used to be a member if you are looking for a local club a great bunch of guys....

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First of all welcome from Land Down under

Did you buy your scope new, or second hand

Been new, there should been no need to touch the collimation

Too many people get carried away when comes to collimation

I am out couple of times per month with my 10" Flex Dob, doing presentations in primary schools and scout groups, as well as monthly club meet, and hardly ever need to collimate

I also use a Saxon laser colliminator, and takes about 30 seconds to do, when scope needs it

I can tell when needs doing due to transporting scope away from home, as not able to focus on what trying to observe

Using laser collimator, just align red dot to mark centre of primary mirror

Then adjust base of scope to bring secondary to centre of disc of laser collimator 

Happy Viewing




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@fozzybear Yeah, pretty much anything north east of here is brightening my sky! I just need a good power cut to all those things you mention without me being cut off as well! I might have a look at bolton astro. I did use to head across to Salford Astronomical Society for a while on a wednesday but just tailed off due to work and not being abke to get there. They seemed like decent people too and have a great telescope there. It was donated by jodrel bank i believe some time ago. 

P.S. Its actually got loads going for it has Urmston these days. Lots of new bars, wine bars, restaurant's and has retained its pubs if you just want a pint. Like everywhere else in Manchester (and im guessing the rest of the uk) we are soon to be getting some fancy indoor food markets

@Rob Sellent i had a quick look at that article but will read through in more detail later. Thanks for that. Im intrigued by the milk bottle washer thing!

@cletrac1922 I would love to one day to see a full southern hemisphere sky in all its glory. I got to see a little bit of it when i visited Tanzania earlier this year. Sagittarius was promentent and great to see and I've never before then seen Hadar and Alpha Centuri. I did take a picture with my dslr however was somewhat hampered by a full moon. 

I bought my scope new. I was able to line up the primary mirror ok which was initially well out! Its the secondary that im struggling to work out if  its ok or not. It seems ok to me and kind off looks like the pictures in the articles ive read. I think i need to establish for certain that i can see all 3 clips as Andy had recommended earlier in the thread and read through a couple of other articles. I was kindoff hoping someone would look at my pic and tell me whats wrong but i guess its not that easy! 

 I'd love a laser collaminator but a bit spent up at the moment. Maybe i'll treat myself soon!

It looks like there is a chance of clear skies here next week. Fingers crossed ill actually get to go out and get a good picture! That said people have really started to go crazy round here for christmas lights! I find it crazy that people plaster fake starlight over their houses and by doing so make the actual stars hard to see. 

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I'm absolutely useless at reading collimation photos, so I'd rather not say anything. But seriously, do Shane's milk bottle washer trick then just follow his steps. Once the secondary is sorted, hopefully it'll be plain sailing.

12 minutes ago, Andrew Singleton said:

I find it crazy that people plaster fake starlight over their houses and by doing so make the actual stars hard to see

Funny you mention this. I set up a thread in the lounge wondering if folk suffered from this kind of thing. As you say, it does seem rather odd behaviour 😟

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On 09/12/2019 at 08:23, Rob Sellent said:

Best write up I've ever seen on collimating - stress and hassle free and the milk bottle washer idea is just pure class - an outstanding bit of genius. 


Some of the old timers in my club, also use 35MM film canister, with a small hole drilled in the centre of the bottom, and fit perfectly 

If you happen to misplace the plastic cap for the eyepiece, have used 35mm film canister on club Dobs as a substitute



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I set up the telescope again on Sunday and somehow managed to find that 2 and a half hours disappeared out of my life while I was tinkering. Using both the article suggested above and the article I linked to at the top of the thread I think I am close to what it should be. As I don't have Laser or a Cheshire there are some things I cant do. 

Using a piece of paper blocking out the primary I managed to get the secondary mirror to be centralised, then without the piece of paper I fiddled a lot with the secondary adjustment screws to try and get the thing aligned in the middle. I can definitely see all 3 clips clearly and its pretty much in the middle, I say pretty much because I struggled to perfect it buts its pretty damn close. I had to redo the primary when I finished but I'm hoping its there. At least I am now closer to knowing what I'm aiming for and how to do it.  I will invest in both a Cheshire and a laser when I have more money to spend.

I'm really keen to try it out now and see whether or not its made any difference. Accuweather has been teasing me this week but keeps changing its mind. 

Edited by Andrew Singleton
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On 20/12/2019 at 23:42, fozzybear said:


Did you manage to sort this out? Collimation is an OCD been there got the teeshirt :)


Well I can say I've tried and looking forward to see if my efforts have resulted in some good photos!

The persistant cover of cloud and the threat of rain is beating me at the moment! So much so that if orion hadn't have briefly appeared from behind the clouds the other day I would be questioning my belief that stars do in fact exist! It seems patience is key tool when embarking on the hobby in the greater Manchester area. 

Maybe Ill have another tinker with it today and make absolutely sure everything is right. When i actually get to take some pictures I need to make sure everything works. 

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