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Half a Heart in SHO - Melotte 15, The Fish Head and Webo1

Laurin Dave

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Just over half the Heart Nebula in SHO.  Imaged through my Esprit 150/SX-46 with piggybacked Esprit 100/ASI1600mm on a Mesu 200 from late September to last night. Half the Ha through the 150/SX-46 and the rest of the Ha plus Oiiii and Sii through the 100/ASI1600 This is a two panel mosaic totalling 26hours Ha, 12hrs Oiii and 10hrs Sii.  Processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop with use made of the StarNet++ module in Pixinsight to take the stars out of the Oiii and Sii which I then replaced with the much tighter stars from the Ha.

The Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Sharpless 2-190, lies some 7500 light years away from Earth and is located in the Perseus Arm of the Galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia. It was discovered by William Herschel on 3 November 1787. It is an emission nebula showing glowing ionized hydrogen gas and darker dust lanes.

The brightest part of the nebula (a knot at its western edge) is separately classified as NGC 896 (The Fish Head Nebula), because it was the first part of the nebula to be discovered. The nebula's intense output and its morphology are driven by the radiation emanating from a small group of stars near the nebula's center. This open cluster of stars, known as Melotte 15, contains a few bright stars nearly 50 times the mass of our Sun, and many more dim stars that are only a fraction of our Sun's mass.  Planetary Webo 1 can be seen in the lower left corner.

Thanks for looking




Edited by Laurin Dave
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3 minutes ago, Adam J said:

I really like the color you got here. I have struggled to settle on a pallet for my Bi-color effort.

Thanks Adam..  so do I as they always seem to come out different!  it seems to depend on how deep/strong the data is, the deeper it is the more I find I can push the colours


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3 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

Thanks Richard …  quite amazing what an Esprit 100 can do!


I have owned an esprit 100 for 3 weeks now but not had a chance to mount it up in the obsy yet, getting a little nervous ill get first light it will have an issue and ill be too late to return it.

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