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Scope Advise - from me to a director!! Opinions Please

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Afternoon, Newby question from someone who should know better..

One of my directors has approached me this morning for advice on a scope for his 8ry old grand daughter, that in his words "needs to be better than a kids, toy as she is interested" and one that she can use by herself in the garden when here dads not around to take her out (they live in York, North Yorkshire, the Knavesmire was mentioned).

Now we do get a lot of these beginner scope questions, and usually you get a number of different views, all valid to a point of view held or experience.

Personally speaking, I usually, when ever I read a "which scope thread" always lean towards simple and easy.  My logic usually revolves around age of person, interests, bed time, parental involvement, to some extent I think about how tech savvy our kids are getting.

My suggestion, bearing the above in mind is usually a evostar90 an either AZ3 or EQ3 or latterly if budget allows the star discovery 90i.  thought process behind this is

  • at 8  years old the attention span for faint fuzzies is short, (lack of dark adaption from home, not like the pictures disappointment etc..) 
  • observing will more than likely before a certain time, and involve statement targets.
  • a refractor looks like a telescope to most children
  • After a short period, the main target will (more than likely) be the moon and maybe some open clusters (especially with the planets as they are at the moment)
  • light weight so in time can set up themselves.
  • longer FL is easier on EP's
  • Left turn at orion book as well.

However, I thought id garner others opinions, as I am a frac man, so could be bias! (the evo90 has given me some memorable views of Jupiter in the past)..

My second choice would be the 130 flextube.. am I underestimating or off the mark?

Any thoughts, don't want to get myself fired if I serve up a duff!




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I sold my Celestron C90 Mak to a friend with a keen daughter.     Moon, planets, star-cluster and doubles all possible with ease of maintenance and compact travel friendly size.

Also, the possibility of using it as a high quality telephoto lens for the heavens or  if  nature photography became a dominant interest.    It went down well apparently.



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Good input from everyone.

A short tube refractor is good - though I would suggest alt az mount.
The ST80 glass quality is OK for this application. CA will be acceptable for low magnification viewing.

The 130 flextube, or slightly smaller, or rigid tube version are also good choices.
A small dob needs (or has the benefit of) a table top and chair for comfort. Table for a book, etc.
No need for an unwieldy tripod. Chair alongside garden table? Or garden table + bench one piece?
More difficult to knock over than a tripod.

A 90 Mak is good again.


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@xtreemchaos, @Carbon Brush, @Craney Many thanks for the suggestions..  I'd not really thought about a Little Mak, but it makes a lot of sense.. 

Think What I will do is drop him an email with a link to the excellent "what can I expect to see" pinned thread, a link to LTAO and a couple of scopes so he can make a call on what he thinks his best with his son (for his granddaughter)

Again many thanks


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@Fozzie, I think any of FLO's beginner recommendations are spot on and personally one of the Heritages or 200p would be a lovely present for the boss' granddaughter. The scopes come pretty much assembled and generally only need the finder attaching. They're all well made, very sturdy on their wooden Dobsonian mounts and look very attractive.

Edited by Rob Sellent
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