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Canon 40D on a explorer 150pl

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OK guys will leave it at that for now just go to wait for the moon to raise its head now.Deep sky objects going to leave for some time happy to get photos of ~Moon-saturn-jupiter etc got to find out about srtacking next i think,appreciate the help feel like i an getting some where now

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Ouroboros here @djs44.  Our names are above our picture on left hand side of each post. 

The Moon and planets should be OK for your set up without a motorised mount. 

You'll struggle getting good deep sky images without a motorised mount. 

Good luck tonight taking some pics of the moon. Hopefully it'll be clearish. 

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32 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

Ouroboros here @djs44.  Our names are above our picture on left hand side of each post. 

The Moon and planets should be OK for your set up without a motorised mount. 

You'll struggle getting good deep sky images without a motorised mount. 

Good luck tonight taking some pics of the moon. Hopefully it'll be clearish. 

ONly thing i not to happy on is the clarity of the photos


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@djs44 It looks close and you will be able to improve it.  How did you focus the telescope with camera attached?  

The simplest way to focus on a bright object like the moon (or TV antenna during the day) is to adjust the telescope focuser until you see the sharpest image while you look through the camera's optical view finder.  Once you're satisfied with the focus, tighten the knob underneath the focuser to hold it firmly. 

A better way, though more technical, is to focus while you look at the live view on the electronic screen on the rear of the camera. You'll have to learn how to enlarge that image so that you can look closely at some small features on the moon and get that as sharp as possible. Again tighten the knob once you're done. 

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I focused telescope with telescope  focuser with camera attached,before that lined scop by eye to antenna then view finder onto that,as for camera setting for sharpness sheesh i not got a clue

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