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Clavius, reprocessed


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cloudy nights, moon too low to image, so time to hone the processing skills a bit.

I repocessed my most recent Clavius image. 

the difference as opposed to my previous imaging was that I used 1,5x drizzle in AS!3 (and the first time I got AS!3 to work on my mac). other processing is still the same. 

Click the thumbnail to open the technical file and compare both images. I'm quite curious for your opinions. I belive the details captured are much tighter and better defined in the new revision.


Kind regards,


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Hi Wouter, hope you dont mind I took screenshots of your images and used the Layout app to display them side by side for easier viewing...  yes I much prefer the reprocessed version, it has much more 'zing' ! 

Reprocess on left, original on right


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