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Synscan mobile not working in ATP

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What am I doing wrong in APT when trying to connect the Synscan wifi mount.

it will not connect and shows this view stating that "it is not possible to control the side of the pier" 

it doesn't seem to connect to the mount and there is no noise from the mount and the Goto doesn't work. Yet the Connect scope icon message changes to disconnect the mount ? Help.


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1. Without APT connected does Synscan AP Pro work with your mount using he exact same cables etc ?

2. If (1) fails you have a problem with cable and/or mount interface(poss software)!

3. If (1) works and with Synscan AP Pro still connected connect to APT (ATP is an oil added to engines 🙂 LOL )  synscanmobile  Ascom driver AND click on properties - fill in the correct details which should be the same as Synscan App Pro (so serial port or Wifi details the same depending on connection type)

4.If (3) works ok and you can slew etc from within APT than the message is possibly a APT problem or APT / Ascom setting - ask on APT forum.

5. Are you using mount in EQ mode ?

6. Check Date/Time and location set in APT/Synscan etc (it can get info from Ascom driver if that works) is correct and the same.

7. What is you starting position - APT did have a problem with M Flips etc

8. Check on APT Forum - there are many threads with this message 🙂

Hope you find your problem 🙂

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1 hour ago, Look left said:

Ascom in Poth mode

As a matter of interest why use "POTH"?- Ascom drivers are multi connection  and Synscan App provides directional keys if required - so "n" devices can use the same driver all at once - so only need Synscanmobile for all other software and only the first to connect to Synscanmobile needs to do the property set up!

So my workflow is:-

1. Load Synscan App connect to Mount

2. Using either APT or in my case CDC connect to mount using Synscanmobile from Ascom chooser menu - as its the first click properties and then connect

3. Connect all other Software to Ascom Synscanmobile and just click "ok"

But glad to hear its working anyway 🙂

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Cheers Sub Dwarf will try this out as well. Do you do your first initial alignment in Synscan app - minimise and then open up everything required and tie them together with the Ascom? Or just open Synscan and connect mount.

Is CduC better than Stellarium for seeing where your going and seeing if everything is OK.

i use Stellarium so I can see where the camera is positioned angled for my imaging. Is this available in CduC?

Judy starting out so any info workflow appreciated.

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I am not Sub Dwarf LOL - that's a level like yours which is "Nebula" - not to worry I hadn't noticed and was busy trying to find who Sub Dwarf was LOL.

I always load everything and get it all connected  -  mount ,any camera etc - you never know when things will go wrong. IMHO find a workflow that meets your needs and stick to it unless it causes you a problem - APT does have a "check List" if I remember correctly or just create your own written checklist.

Once everything is connected and your camera is working (test image done) then do alignment. Later you may start to do Platesolving which will tell you exactly where you are pointing - but that's for later just take everything slowly -  you will make mistakes and get frustrated ( I did still do LOL )  and never be afraid to ask  on SGL or else where for help🙂

Stellarium is a wonderful looking program which I do use as its sky is very  "pretty" but CDC is simpler to connect hardware especially if you start to use Eqmod/Ascom  (Stellarium needs Stellarium Scope (another program) - a pain IMO). CDC is not a "pretty" but very very functional and feature rich but is a little quirky to get used too but it does work well with APT and will show Scope and camera position / rotation.

 So its really down to personal preference - except for when using Eqmod/Asom when CDC wins every time IMO.

Later you may like to add Deepsky (now a free program) which will create personalised "sky charts"that can be easily exported to CDC but learn to "walk not run first".

Others probably have their own way of doing things so learn from all and create your own - you have to use it and there is no,on the whole, "correct" way.

P.S. try to do things in the day light or at dusk - its a pain trying to get things set up when its dark or in a rush. Also use the simulators provided with both Ascom and / or Synscan app to get to know your software.

Hope that helps and maybe other can add pointers if I have missed something - like taking the lens cap off the camera adapter - yep I have done that LOL.


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