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Which is a good ccd camera for imaging Saturn with a 16" motorized Dob?


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CCD cameras aren't suitable for planetary imaging due to their slow readout speed. You need to take short exposure videos containing many hundreds or thousands of frames and stack the best frames. CMOS cameras are much more suitable and the ZWO ASI224MC or ASI290MC are highly recommended for planetary imaging as they are USB 3.0 and allow region of interest to be selected allowing frames rates of up to 200 frames per second or more. These are colour cameras which are easier to work with for planetary imaging.


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To add to excellent answer above, you want to pay attention to following when choosing planetary camera for your scope:

- required focal ratio for optimal detail depends on pixel size, so take that into account together with any barlows and F/ratio of your scope (smaller pixels require lower F/ratio)

- best sensor will have following characteristics - high quantum efficiency, fast read out speeds (so you can achieve high fps and capture as much frames as you can) and low read noise.

One should choose best camera based on above listed criteria - pixel size for optimal detail, high QE, fast readout (which means high FPS and USB3.0 connection) and low read noise.

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