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Pacman: looking for a better Camera or am I just chasing ghosts?


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Hi all

Got a few days in august with nice weather. Captured this one as it was on my todo list.
I think I gets some decent pictures with my Canon 700D but I would like to get a better camera,problem is the weather at my location (southern Sweden) and the more or less the constant haze.

I really would like to get a mono and do some narrow band pictures but I am hesitating because of the weather, but living in a light polluted area this would be a great option.
Taking pictures in NB will have me do 4 times exposure time compared with today and given not one clear sky since this pic was taken about a month ago and no clear skies is coming according
weather forecasts, of course it is autumn here.
Last year during 6 months or so gave me only a few days, think it was around 6 in total so NB is really not a good option here if you dont have a bunch of patience and think it is ok to gather material
during several years to get one or two pictures. Well a good picture is worth waiting for, but for me this time lap is just to big. I need to get my pictures in a smaller area of time.
So I have been looking on some color cameras CCD and CMOS, also seen some pictures taken with this type of cameras but I really cant find any of those pictures online produced from this types of cameras
that gives better pictures then I already is getting with my Canon 700D or am I wrong.
I am reading about problems with Amp glow, seeing a lot of pics where stars has no colors, lack of nebulosity and also reading about various problems that users are facing.

Are there any of this CCD, CMOS color cameras that will take me a step further?
Any advice would be of help.

Camera=Canon700D-Baader-mod + CLS filter
Exposures=47x360, 6x120 at IS0 800

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Firstly that I feel is a very nice image, I am sure either a CCD or CMOS camera will do a better tighter job. I bought a 071 about 3 weeks back now and didn't get on with it from the off, also I didn't have the IR/UV filter which sort of made me want to put it back in its box. I find IT difficult to understand most of the time, even fairly basic things. Many people on here use these cameras and take wonderful captures, so it me agian. I am sure some will offer even better advice than I can.


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That's a good image to my eyes.. I have a ZWO Asi294mc Pro which is a very good OSC Camera. Had it for about 6 months and love the images that it captures. Occasional amp glow is no problem as easily calibrated out with Flat frames. Haven't done any NB imaging as yet as do not have the filter to do this. There are quite a few Narrowband filters out there which are designed for OSC cameras and from what I've seen produce excellent images.. sadly as usual anything that is to do with Astro is expensive !! Good luck with purchases..

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Thanks guys

That was a fast tube indeed and as you say and it is not cheap, in this case I needs to get the tube and a mono camera + filters and what is needed which goes far beyond my budget. But thanks for the suggestion I will keep that modell in mind, you never knows in the future. (My 190Mn is actually not that bad with its f/5,26)

Yes I agree not too much techincal messing for me either after all the problems I had with everything, I dont know how many hours I spend with the equipment just to make it work as it was supposed to do from the start. It seems to be rather normal with this hobby. I guess there are no shortcuts when buying something new.
I have been looking on both ZWO 071 and 294 amongst all, but got confused after reading the mixed comments from owners.

ZWO Asi294mc Pro yes that camera is not expensive compared to others and I have seen it gives a closer pic then the 071, so you are happy with it, that sounds good to me. It would be great if you happens to have a sample pic that I can see?

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